's my blog. I thought that this would be a great place to share my journey with everyone. Everyone who cares to check it out anyway. Anyone who truly knows me knows that I'm not one to easily share my feelings. Not how I feel about topics, ideas, or things like that....but how I REALLY feel. My absolute deep down inside feelings. I have a friend who once told me that I'm the only person who could piss them off without saying a word. This, for the most part, is true. I come from a family that doesn't really put out there how they feel. Sad, upset, afraid,'ll never hear these words come from my mouth. I told a very close friend of mine that depression is all in your head. Can you believe that? I actually thought that you can just tell yourself, "hey, knock that shit're not depressed anymore". Ahh...boy how times have changed. Enough of all that, let's get to the meat and taters of why this is here. I have recently decided that I no longer like me. I'm sick of how I feel on the inside. I'm sick of my outward appearance, and sick of how strangers view me. I'm most sick of hearing "'re just not the same YOU anymore". Not the same ME? How the hell am I not ME? So, I've decided to do something about it. Friday, June 15'th 2012, I joined a gym. Monday, June 18'th was my first day. Starting weight, 375. My first day was a success! 1.75 miles on the treadmill. I can't wait to go back. I'll be updating this I've found that writing is the only way I can really tell my soul's story......Like I told the facebook world on May 4th...
"The switch has been flipped....I've been staring at it for years.....not sure what I've been so scared of...failure? lack of support?, and all this time I thought I had it all figured out. Remember this date people. SWITCH....FLIPPED!"